Serious Injuries Require a Serious Law Firm.
If you’ve been badly injured in any type of accident, you should consult with a catastrophic injury lawyer Rochester, NY who can help you through every stage of the legal process. There’s no doubt, injuries hurt. They physically can take a toll, emotionally drain you and economically cripple you. The lawyers at Brown, LLC (formerly JTB Law Group, LLC) are led by a former FBI Special Agent and are there for you the accident victim in your time of need. However, they only handle cases involving catastrophic injuries so it’s important to understand what cases qualify as catastrophic and if you’re still uncertain after reading this, you’re always welcome to call for a free, confidential accident consultation. Is A Brain Injury Considered A Catastrophic Injury?
There are many different types of injuries that qualify as catastrophic that include, but are not limited to breaks of bones, amputations, fractures, head trauma, internal organ failure, paralysis, paraplegia, blindness and quadriplegia. Of course, the ultimate injury wrongful death as well. Ironically, under the law in New York compensation for some catastrophic injuries for a live person can far exceed the recovery an estate or loved one can receive for a wrongful death, due to issues of quality of life for the injured and a life care plan.
Major injuries can come from a variety of ways. Medical Malpractice, car accidents, truck accidents, rideshare accidents, Uber Accidents, Lyft Accidents, slip and falls, train accidents, plane accidents, negligence, torts, intentional torts, FELA, ladder falls, construction accidents, and much more. Just because someone is badly injured doesn’t mean that you will automatically have a recovery, you still need to prove your case. New York has some interesting labor laws and some construction accidents and ladder falls will automatically trigger liability and you may just have to prove damages.
Litigation takes time. You need to know when to fight and when to settle. One of the most challenging facets of a personal injury case is taking the time to educate people who only have to go through it once regarding the virtues of fight or flight and the wisdom in knowing what do and why. A big personal injury verdict that you may read in the news like the hundred-million-dollar verdict for a woman who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer as a result of her use of talcum powder, is a case that is the exception rather than the rule. Plus, the appellate court, if not the trial court generally remits or lowers the amount the jury may award.
One of the most common questions personal injury lawyers are asked is, “How much is my case worth?” Experienced catastrophic injury law firms will use a variety of tools to try and provide that answer although there’s never any guarantees. Generally, our firm evaluates the injury first and determines with other similar cases and verdicts how much was awarded and why.
Let’s say a case in which there was a very bad truck accident resulted in the loss of an eye with the trucker causing 100% of the accident settles consistently for $3 million dollars and instead the case involves an Uber accident in which there is a question as to who was at fault.
Generally, assuming there’s a 50/50 chance on finding the Uber driver at fault, the case would have a $1.5 million dollar settlement value, which would exceed the insurance coverage so in reality, the case may settle for just the entire ride-share policy which may be just a couple hundred thousand dollars. There’s an old saying you can’t get blood from a stone, and most people don’t have the money to pay a judgment in excess of the insurance policy so, in that case, a lot of times you are engaging in the law of diminishing returns by litigating. Valuation of an injury case is an art and a science, and every case has its own twists and turns.
If you’ve endured a serious injury, you need to see your medical professional first, but you need to look for an experienced injury lawyer as soon as possible since the other side is often working to thwart your case and the insurance companies may try to take a statement that could derail your case. You should call a catastrophic injury lawyer Rochester, NY to understand your rights and shepherd you through the legal process in your time of need.
How a Motorcycle Accident can Change Your Life
The very reasons that make motorcycles a huge draw are the same things that make them a huge risk. Riders get to feel the open road, but that also means they’re left vulnerable and exposed.
In the event of an accident, riders are at risk of suffering traumatic injuries that could be life-altering or life-ending.
The team at Brown, LLC understands the physical toll of these injuries and how it can forever impact your quality of life. When you are severely injured in a crash that was not your fault, you deserve to be compensated for these long lasting effects. Consult with a catastrophic injury lawyer in Rochester, NY who can assess your case and offer a path forward.
Motorcyclists at Risk
Motorcycles lack the crashworthiness and occupant protections of a traditional automobile. Crashes involving motorcycles are especially violent events.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says more than 80 percent of all reported motorcycle crashes result in injury or death to the motorcyclist.
Here are five of the most common causes of collisions involving motorcycles:
- Blind spot accidents: If the driver of a car or truck fails to check their blind spot before changing lanes, this can result in a catastrophic accident.
- Left turn accident: motorists may fail to accurately judge an oncoming motorcyclist’s speed or distance.
- Open car doors: again a driver’s failure to be aware of his or her surroundings may result in a car door being opened too quickly in the path of a motorcyclist. This is more common on city streets.
- Sudden stops: if a driver suddenly stops this could send the motorcyclist over the handlebars. It generally takes more time and distance to stop a motorcycle.
- Rear-end collisions: again motorists may misjudge distance to a motorcycle or may tailgate and wind up coming into contact with the bike.
Common Injuries and Their Lasting Effects
Motorcycle riders are at risk for debilitating blunt force trauma injuries. Though you may recover, your life may be forever changed. You may never move the same way, hold the same job, or ride a motorcycle again.
If these injuries were caused by an accident that was not your fault, then you deserve compensation that not only covers your expenses but also accounts for the dramatic life shift you are experiencing. When Rochester, NY residents need a catastrophic injury lawyer, they count on Brown, LLC.
Motorcycle riders often suffer:
- Broken bones
- Contusions and lacerations
- Burns
- Traumatic brain injury
- Spinal cord injuries
- Amputations
- Anxiety and post-traumatic stress
The recovery period for any of these can easily be weeks, if not months or possibly years. Brown, LLC weighs all of these factors when we take on your case. We consider what your life may look like once you have all of the pieces back together. That’s not something the at-fault driver’s insurance company will do on their own. They will try to get you to settle too soon and for too little.
Working with an experienced catastrophic injury lawyer in Rochester, NY like the ones at Brown, LLC ensures your future is protected.
Helping Motorcycle Accident Victims
Don’t keep trying to fight this on your own. Brown, LLC is ready to see you get what you deserve. Call us today for your free, no-obligation consultation. When you need a catastrophic injury lawyer in Rochester, NY turn to a team you can trust, Brown, LLC.