
$2 Billion Verdict Awarded in Roundup Cancer Trial Still Rocking Bayer to the Core

August 22, 2019
money gravel

According to RoundUp Law firm Brown, LLC, representing plaintiffs who have been diagnosed with lymphoma as a result of Roundup exposure, Bayer is still trying put its arms around the liability that one jury socked them with for $2 billion dollars.  According to trial attorney Jason T. Brown, the head of Brown, LLC, “Companies need to have closure about open ended liability like this.  If you do the math with probably 40,000 outstanding cases if more verdicts come out like this the liability could exceed the trillion dollar mark which could bankrupt a company even like Bayer.”   Mr. Brown, a former FBI Special Agent and Legal Advisor went on to comment that nothing is guaranteed, and although big verdicts generally generate global settlements that anything can happen with the RoundUp case.

One thing is clear, if there is a RoundUp settlement that resembles other types of mass tort settlements it’s important to retain RoundUp counsel as soon as possible.  Often times a census is taken and those that are in the inventory of cases of a firm can participate and those that are not can not.

Bayer recently purchased Monsanto and inherited the liability of thousands of lawsuits regarding its weedkiller, Roundup, that juries believe is liked to different types of lymphoma, such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), b type lymphomas and other cancers.   A specific ingredient that the company uses in the weedkiller has been found to contribute to certain types of cancers possibly. In a recent lawsuit, a jury has decided to award a local couple with $2 billion, but that amount was lowered significantly on appeal.

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Couple Wins Lawsuit Against Monsanto for RoundUp Lymphoma

Several thousands of lawsuits have already been filed against Monsanto (which Bayer inherited) in relation to a weedkiller that the company has had on the market for several years. The ingredient known as glyphosate, found in these products, has recently been possibly linked to cancer, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple independent juries have concluded after hearing the evidence that Roundup is causing lymphoma.

In the billion dollar trial, a couple from Alalemda County, Alberta and Alva Pilliod, claimed that they have been using the Roundup weedkiller for several years and that the glyphosate content in these products has contributed to the development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

This is the third case since 2018, where a ruling was issued in favor of the plaintiff in cases where Bayer and Monsanto were sued for the glyphosate chemical that is added to their weedkiller products. This ingredient was linked to an increased risk of cancer – in all three cases that have ruled in favor of the plaintiff, and the glyphosate was linked to cancer diagnosed in the individual who initiated the lawsuit.

In addition to the $2 billion collective punitive damage award that was awarded by the jury, an additional $55 million settlement was also issued for collective compensatory damages. The Court then upon motion of the defendants substantially reduced the verdict.


A recent wave of jury verdicts including a $2 billion recent verdict was entered against Bayer for the RoundUp cancer connection, a product inherited from Monsanto.  According to the insight of Brown, LLC, it is likely that Bayer will try to enter into a mass RoundUp settlement to avoid the continued exposure to other billion dollar verdicts. If that’s the case, the RoundUp lawyers at Brown, LLC want to speak with you as soon a possible if you’ve used Roundup and were diagnosed with lymphoma, but even if you don’t speak with Brown, LLC, its important to consult with a RoundUp law firm as as soon as possible to preserve your rights.