
Rocking & Rolling – Fighting for Veterans & Whistleblowing

August 2, 2022
Jason T. Brown with Rick Allen

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Rick Allen, the legendary drummer from Def Leppard, met with legendary whistleblower lawyer Jason T. Brown.  Mr. Allen contributed artwork to Mr. Brown’s law firm’s website with profits from the transaction going to benefit our country’s veterans.  While Rick Allen is touring the country with Def Leppard once again banging out their hits like Rock of Ages, Photograph and Two Steps Behind, Jason T. Brown is touring the country in a different way fighting against corruption against the government utilizing the False Claims Act with various whistleblowers and fighting for the rights of veterans and trying to have important legislation such as the Burn Pit Exposure Litigation and Camp LeJeune contaminated water  legislation passed so veterans can finally have their day in Court for the injuries they sustained from these toxins. 

Mr. Allen is a study of perseverance and dedication, having drummed his way to multiple number one hits despite tremendous adversity. At the pinnacle of his career, he was involved in a car accident that resulted in the amputation of one arm.  Mr. Allen overcame this injury and kept on rocking with a one-of-a-kind drum kit.  Def Leppard’s dedication to its drummer was rewarded with another round of hits and Mr. Allen is widely considered one of the greatest rock and roll drummers of all time.

When he’s not performing with Def Leppard, Mr. Allen pursues his other creative outlet of painting. His serene picture of the U.S. Capitol with a few happy clouds was a perfect fit for the website of Brown, LLC, a law firm that has filed many lawsuits on behalf of veterans and whistleblowers.

Brown, LLC is led by a former FBI Special Agent and Legal Advisor, Jason T. Brown.  The accomplished firm is one of the most prolific qui tam firms in the country, protecting the rights of whistleblowers and helping taxpayers obtain settlements and judgments in the hundreds of millions from fraudsters who commit schemes like systemic Medicare Fraud, Medicaid Fraud Defense Contractor Fraud, or Tricare Fraud with veterans. 

In 2019, Brown, LLC obtained a judgment [1] against Future Income Payments and Scott Kohn, who had charged veterans usurious loan rates in a scheme to illegally siphon off veterans’ pensions.  The firm continues to represent veterans who have been injured and exposed to bad products and is looking forward to having additional legislation passed that could benefit veterans who were unjustly exposed to toxins. 

Mr. Brown was quoted about the new art by Rick Allen, “This is a win-win-win situation,” “Our firm’s site now has an iconic painting of the Capitol from an iconic drummer with proceeds going to veterans.” 

About us

Brown, LLC is a national litigation firm with extensive experience and success in cases involving whistleblowers under the False Claims Act, mass torts, and wage & hour litigation.  Visit to learn more about the firm’s other notable accomplishments. Past results do not guarantee future success, and this information about the firm could be considered attorney advertising.

