
Donsco (Production Workers)


If you’ve been shorted wages by your employer or treated unfairly then call our employment lawyers at (877) 561-0000 for a free, confidential consultation or submit a form.

Brown, LLC has an active lawsuit regarding alleged wage and hour violations at Donsco. An active lawsuit does not mean the Defendant has done anything wrong or should be presumed to have done anything wrong.

The wage and hour lawyers at Brown, LLC are looking to speak with anyone who has information regarding the following allegations.

The Defendant

Defendant Donsco, Inc. is manufacturer of iron castings that operates production facilities in Wrightsville and Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania.

The Employees

Position(s): hourly-paid production workers

Location(s): Wrightsville and Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania

Time Period: January 2020 through the present

The Claims in the Lawsuit

The Complaint alleges that hourly-paid productions workers were deprived of proper wages as a result of the following unlawful policies maintained by Defendant:

  • Failing to pay hourly-paid production workers for work performed while clocked in during periods of up to 14 minutes before and after their scheduled shifts;
  • Automatically deducting thirty (30) minutes from production workers’ pay each shift for supposed meal breaks, including shifts in which they did not take bona fide meal breaks; and
  • Failing to include non-base compensation, including but not limited to attendance bonuses, in the calculation of production workers’ regular rates of pay, resulting in payment for overtime work at a less than 1.5 times their regular rate of pay.

The Complaint further alleges that these policies violate the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act (“PMWA”), and the Pennsylvania Wage Payment and Collection Law (“WPCL”), entitling production workers to recovery of their unpaid wages, plus additional damages.

Case Status

01/04/23: the case was filed in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Defendant Discipline or Fire Me If I Join the Case?

No! The Fair Labor Standards Act prohibits Donsco from taking any adverse action against you for participating in this lawsuit. There is no indication as of this writing that Donsco would take any retaliatory action against anyone for participation in this lawsuit. For further information, please consult the Department of Labor’s Fact Sheet.

Will I Have to Testify or Provide Documentary Proof?

Potentially, but not necessarily. Many employees obtain monetary recoveries in Fair Labor Standards Act cases without ever having to appear at court or for depositions.

At this point, you are not required to provide documentary proof of your unpaid wages. In most cases, the employer is required to provide the employee’s payroll records to the employee and his or her attorney. In fact, the Fair Labor Standards Act mandates that employers keep accurate time and payroll records. The employer cannot escape this duty by requiring you as the employee to provide proof.

However, you may be required to participate in discovery. As such, it is important that you preserve any physical or electronic evidence relating to the case that you currently possess.

Will Brown, LLC be my Attorneys?

Employees who sign Retainer Agreements and/or Consent to Join forms will be represented by Brown, LLC with respect to the lawsuit and claims described above.

You will not be required to pay any attorneys’ fees or court costs to the Plaintiff’s lawyers at this time and not pay any attorneys’ fees unless you prevail. Rather, in the event the Plaintiff prevails in the lawsuit, by either judgment or settlement, the Plaintiff’s attorneys will request that the Court order Defendant(s) to pay the Plaintiff’s lawyers their reasonable attorneys’ fees and reimburse them for any expenses.

How Long will the Case Take?

It is very difficult to predict exactly how long a case will take. It depends on a variety of factors including the number of parties and claims involved, the rules and pace of the court, the complexity of the proofs, and the manner in which the employer defends the case. Wage-and-hour cases typically take 2-3 years, but this can be shorter or increase considerably.

Whether you’re eligible to participate in this matter or not, if you have questions regarding this page, or have information regarding these allegations please contact the wage and hour lawyers at Brown, LLC by calling (877) 561-0000. If you’re potentially seeking representation the call is confidential. The lawyers at Brown, LLC can arrange to speak with you when it’s most convenient for you – including after-hours or on the weekend.


The United States is founded on the principle of innocent until proven guilty. This is a civil matter stemming from a civil lawsuit, and unless and until there is a verdict against Donsco, then everything contained in the allegations should just be considered allegations.