
Class Actions Lawsuit Lawyers

Brown, LLC handles complex litigation, Class Actions, Collective Actions, Multi-District Litigations (MDLs), and Mass Torts nationwide. Class Actions take patience, dedication, and hard work and it takes the right blend of qualities to succeed. At Brown, LLC you will encounter tireless warriors who will go the distance with the litigation to obtain the results you deserve. Mr. Brown has millions upon, millions of dollars of recoveries for his clients and has been featured in the National Media and Wikipedia for commencing a battery of cases that resulted in a 100 Million Dollar Settlement. He has tried cases nationwide in State and Federal Courts and impressively has many settlements and judgments for the maximum damages permitted by statute. When you speak with Brown, LLC you may be disarmed by how personable and passionate the attorneys are, but as soon as the firm is retained to complete a mission, they litigate methodically with surgical precision to obtain results. The way Brown, LLC conducts itself and conducts litigation, it’s no wonder their litigation style is trademarked: Class Act. Class Actions.TM

Types of Class Actions our Firm Handles

Labor & Employment

Wage & Hour Class Actions

Brown, LLC has successfully commenced class and collective actions against many employers who short employee wages. When employers violate employment laws, they often do so against groups of similar employees at once. In those situations, class actions allow employees to vindicate their rights as a group, which is more efficient economically and creates strength in numbers. Class actions can be based on wage theft, improper pay practices, unpaid overtime, or a variety of other actions that affect a pool of individuals who can collectively marshal their resources through Class Counsel and more effectively address the issue with the employer. Brown, LLC attorneys have been appointed Class Counsel in class actions resulting in millions of dollars of economic recovery for our clients. The litigation may seem complex, but we can simplify the process for you, explain your rights in a collective setting and try to maximize your recovery.

Class Act Actions Logo

Warn Act

The WARN ACT is applicable if an employer of sufficient size abruptly shutters its doors and does not allow its workers ample notice to prepare. If the company has the benefit of planning for its closure, the statute provides the employees should be given 60 days notice or else they have to pay those wages. The art of litigating a WARN ACT violation is following the flow of money in the months leading up to the closure and Mr. Brown draws heavily on his background with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to leave no stone unturned to find the solvent parties and have the workers left in the cold, warmed up a bit with rightful compensation.

Consumer Fraud

Consumer fraud is a violation in which a person or group of people are deceived to their economic detriment. Fraud generally involves unsupportable or contradictory claims or adopting misleading practices. Consumer fraud can form the basis of a lawsuit and in fact, many such cases have been filed over the years, some of them involving high profile companies. If you are the victim of consumer fraud, it may be possible to file a case against the initiating company or individual.

Securities Litigation

From a financial standpoint, securities fraud is a particularly devastating form of fraud. All types of fraud have the potential to be financially damaging of course, but the effects of securities fraud can be especially long lasting and considerable. Take the ripple effects from the notorious Bernie Madoff scheme and scam to see how false statements can cause billions of dollars of losses. Generally where there’s smoke, there’s fire and if something doesn’t seem right, let us look into the matter for you. Whether its an unscrupulous broker who put your life’s savings into an unsuitable product that caused you to lose all your money or a security whose trading patterns hint at improper inside activity, we’re ready to believe you and tackle the heartiest of foes to obtain a recovery.

Spam Texts

Certain industries have preyed on individuals who receive repeated unwanted text messages and no matter what they do, can’t stop the madness. In the past, junk mail to the house was bad, junk mail to our email is worse, but the worst part of Spam Texts is that you may be charged to receive texts you don’t want. If a company is doing it to you, they’re probably doing it to others and we will investigate, litigate and work to make it stop.

Ground Breaking Litigation

Our firm is ready for the challenge. In 2015, we commenced a new battery of complex litigation for a mass tort affecting thousands of workers. As pioneers in complex litigation, we want to hear from you about what other worthy causes we can litigate on your behalf and level the playing field for the righteous. If you know of a situation that you suspect is not right, call us at 1 (877) 561-0000 to discuss your case. If it’s not right, we’ll fight TM.

Our experienced attorneys are ready to fight for you. Contact us today for a free consultation. Call us Toll Free 1 (877) 561-0000 or use our online form.