Mercy Health (Hourly-Paid Employees)
Brown, LLC has an active lawsuit regarding alleged wage and hour violations at Mercy Health. An active lawsuit does not mean the Defendant has done anything wrong or should be presumed to have done anything wrong. Please note – Mercy Health denies all the allegations.
The wage and hour lawyers at Brown, LLC are looking to speak with anyone who has information regarding the following allegations.
The lawsuit was filed on July 9, 2021 in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. Further information about the lawsuit can be found in the “Notice of Right to Join Lawsuit” that was sent out in April 2023, as well as the current Complaint. The deadline to join the lawsuit passed on June 2, 2023, and the lawsuit is still pending.
The Complaint alleges Mercy Health, Mercy Health Foundation, and MHM Support Services maintained a meal break deduction policy in which Defendants’ computerized timekeeping system automatically deducts one half-hour from hourly-paid employees’ paychecks each day for a meal break.
If you have joined the lawsuit, it is important that you:
1) send any updates to your contact information to our firm at throughout the duration of the case, which may take several years;
2) provide information about your potential claims for unpaid work by answering the questions in the ‘chatbot’ that appears on the side of this screen.
If you would like to call our firm and provide any information over the phone please feel free to call any time, toll-free, to (877) 561-0000.