
Roundup Commercials

November 6, 2019
Weed & Grass Killer

Table of Contents

What’s the deal with all these RoundUp Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Commercials and Should I Care?

Roundup has been linked to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma despite what Monsanto tried to say, and several juries that have heard the evidence presented by both sides have concluded that there is a link between glysophate, the active ingredient in RoundUp and signature injuries like NHL.  You may have seen a wave of commercials about this litigation, or emailed information or a bevy of FaceBook advertisements. Often times overt oversaturation of the media regarding a mass tort case like this is the result of behind the scenes activity, although some of the activity was certainly in the foreground as juries have rendered hundreds of millions of dollars of verdicts, which were subsequently reduced. 

So what could be going on behind the scenes with the RoundUp litigation?  The quest to educate the public about the link between Roundup and NHL is the thought that the more voices that are heard, the more likely Bayer (who inherited the product from Monsanto) is likely to engage in a large RoundUp settlement.  Bloomberg already reported that there were rumors of a settlement swirling, but those rumors were recanted.  Still, often times where there’s smoke, there’s fire and in the mass tort world one should never wait too late to retain an accomplished RoundUp lawyer since some settlements are structured where all individuals who have a lawyer as of a certain date may participate in the settlement and those that don’t can’t.

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Over 100 million in judgments and settlements trials in state and federal courts. We fight for maximum damage and results.

Is the RoundUp Litigation a Class Action?

The RoundUp lawsuit is not a class action.  Mass torts are not suitable to be litigated as class actions.  Some class actions have the stigma that the only people who make the money are the lawyers.  There are some class actions that unfortunately wind up that way, but those are not the type of firm involves themselves with. 

The RoundUp litigation is a mass tort, not a class action.  There are some similarities and some differences.  A notable similarity is that with both mechanisms a special Judge sometimes referred to as a Master will oversee the litigation and handle issues attendant to the global case.  With a class action, there is one trial for the entire class, with a mass tort like RoundUp each person is entitled to their individual day in Court. This makes sense, since even if someone was exposed to RoundUp and was diagnosed with lymphoma their damages may be radically different depending on their circumstances, such as the amount of chemotherapy, whether they’ve recovered, whether they unfortunately passed, and other issues regarding individual causation.

Conclusion – Speak with a RoundUp Lawyer Before it’s too Late

The juries who heard evidence regarding Roundup have consistently found there is a RoundUp cancer connection, specifically with Lymphoma. Brown, LLC, is a law firm that handles Lymphoma RoundUp claims and based on the aggregation of lawyer’s ads into this space, it is a marker that a mass RoundUp settlement is in the works, although nothing is ever guaranteed.  If you were exposed to RoundUp and were diagnosed with Lymphoma or Leukemia, you should speak with a RoundUp law firm as soon as possible – Brown, LLC has RoundUp lawyers standing by at (877) 561-0000 to speak with you about the potential RoundUp Settlement.